In this age of globalization, 80% of the world’s population spend more than two hours on social media. As social media are gaining popularity, so is ads on different social media platforms to draw organic traffic to the respective websites and reach the target audience in no time.

Social media ads are the best platform for all new and established brands to create a direct link with the audience. We are accustomed to seeing a large number of ads while scrolling down social media pages. But in an age of busy schedules and, of course, due to the large lists of family photos or posts, organic ads are becoming obsolete and less appropriate to draw customers. 

With the paid social media ads, you get the opportunity to reach your audience without worrying about the algorithm or rejection. Moreover, the paid ads are displayed according to the audience’s choice and also comes with call-to-action sections for a quick turnout. However, the success of a paid social media ads depends on proper platform selection according to your target and proper campaigning in social media platforms.

 So, let’s take a deep view into different social media paid advertising platforms to choose the best among them.

What is paid social-media advertisement?

Mainly paid media ads are of two types. Pay-per-click ads and pay-per-mile ads. These are a great opportunity for low-scale businesses to start their digital ad campaigns. You have to pay for the ad only when the audience clicks on the ad or shows interest.

For pay-per-mile ads, you have to pay per thousand impressions on your ad. This makes your ad cost much less and makes you available to more prospective buyers.

Why do you need a paid social media advertisement?

Paid media ads are very popular as a medium of digital advertising. You need to be available on social media for some definite reasons:

  •  Paid Social media ads give your brand identity to many people using social media platforms.
  • You can draw more organic traffic towards your website
  • With social media ads, you can organize campaigns for targeting and retargeting audiences who are interested in your products through news feeds.
  • Increase in lead generation and engaging your audience with your products and ideas.

To attain these goals, you have to make sure that the advertisements are available to the intended persons and payment for advertisement makes it more convenient for you.

Different platforms for paid social media advertisements

It is confusing to choose a proper platform for advertising for your brand. Different social media platform takes a different strategy for making your ad available to target audience. There are some popular platforms where you can get expected turnout from advertising campaigns.

  • Facebook and Twitter Advertisements: Facebook and Twitter are very much popular among the young generation. You can post both pay-per-click and pay-per-mile ads on those platforms at a cheaper cost and reach the audience. They allow both images and video ads for paid ad categories.

Twitter allows you to choose your audience according to specifications of age or professions and organize personalized campaigns for “look-alikes” of your business contacts.

  • Youtube ads: The best platform for video ads and is popular among adult and young age groups.
  • LinkedIn ads: Generally, B2B ads are served through LinkedIn. As the leads are higher and can target a small audience, the cost of posting ads is also high.
  • Instagram paid advertisements: You can post ads as stories or videos on Instagram. Even you can use carousels or direct product images to grab your customer’s attention.

JWV dev has our expert team to research your target and business types, and we plan our social media advertisement strategy depending on that for your ultimate turnout. You can surely depend on our professional team for handling social media paid advertisements so that you get expected results from the money you spend on it.


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